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Selling Your Property

Working together to create the best plan to market and sell your home. The DPP detailed marketing and sales plan is divided into three phases to evaluate, prepare, market, negotiate and sell your property for its optimal price.

Phase One


Initial Meeting: Understand your goals and expectations. Discover what’s unique about your property — from its design and history to its features and details. Craft a plan to begin the process.

Market Overview: Analyze factors that could affect the sale price, including macro- and micro-market dynamics, supply and demand, competitive inventory, price trends, list-to-sale price ratios, seasonal considerations, timing, and more.

Attract the Right Buyer: Outline key demographics and create buyer profiles. Create a marketing plan to optimally position your home on the market.

Prepare to List: Set the list price and terms. Provide necessary documentation, such as listing forms, plans, inspections, title, and disclosures. Coordinate make-ready improvements, alterations, cleaning, staging, flexibility, and incentives. Monitor marketplace changes.

Phase Two

Market Your Property

Represent: Assess the competition. Properly introduce your home to the market via networking, private events, broker previews, and announcements. Execute the marketing plan.

Create Your Home as Art Story: Arrange professional photography and write well-crafted copy. Position your home on the DPP website and build a dedicated property website. Create video content.

Market Your Home: Execute a multichannel marketing strategy. Online, via DPP’s online partners, email list, client database, social media platforms, and blog. In print, via property brochures and floorplans, house-specific on-site materials, targeted mailings, sponsorship, and event marketing. Secure global reach by leveraging The Leading Real Estate Companies of the World Network. Orchestrate PR campaigns.

Build Interest: Highlight property features and create differentiation. Use superior showing methods to generate excitement. Monitor activity.

Communicate With You: Establish a communication preference. Convey marketing efforts and potential buyer interest. Disseminate changes in the marketplace and the competition.

Make Adjustments: Monitor interest. Modify the plan should circumstances change or markets shift.

Phase Three

Successful Conclusion

Negotiations: Attract the right offer. Qualify prospect(s). Quantify the variables. Analyze offers and implement multiple-offer procedure if needed. Protect your interests and position you to win. Execute the contract.

Escrow and Due Diligence: Create a timeline. Define our duties and your responsibilities. Engage DPP’s transaction support team and work with qualified, vetted service providers. Manage and explain disclosures, inspections, and contingencies. Handle additional negotiations and prepare to close.

Close: Help you transition to your next property. Provide final documentation. Give back to the community.

Working Together

A Client for Life

DPP is here for you: We stay in touch, keep you informed, and serve as a resource for all your real estate needs — now and in the future.

Chat With Eddie

Your home deserves the best. Whether you are selling or buying, let our team guide you through the process. Get in touch with Eddie today.

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